Genere Narrativa / Mistero e Investigativo / Storico

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Sherlock Holmes e l’avventura dell’interprete tedesco

di Orlando Pearson | racconto lungo

Sherlockiana n. 419 - Delos Digital

Sherlock Holmes e Watson convocati a Berlino.

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A Scandal in Nova Alba

di Orlando Pearson | short story

221B n. 7 - Delos Digital

The King of Nova Alba approaches Sherlock Holmes with a mystery: who killed his predecessor?

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A Scandal in Nova Alba - Stage-play version

di Orlando Pearson | stage play

221B n. 11 - Delos Digital

The King of Nova Alba, in this new stage-play version of the story, approaches Sherlock Holmes to discover who killed the king’s predecessor.

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A Type of Infamy

di Orlando Pearson | novelette

221B n. 25 - Delos Digital

A mystery solved in the ruins of Vienna in the bitter winter of 1945/6.

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Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Fourth Messenger

di Orlando Pearson | short story

221B n. 21 - Delos Digital

The world’s greatest unsolved mystery.

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Sherlock Holmes and the German Interpreter

di Orlando Pearson | novelette

221B n. 17 - Delos Digital

The British Government commissions Holmes and Watson to travel to Germany to help the authorities find the man who shot Horst Wessel, the leader of the Storm Troopers.

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Venduto da Delos Digital srl

Sherlock Holmes and the Trial of Joseph Carr

di Orlando Pearson | novelette

221B n. 18 - Delos Digital

A must for all lovers of serious sleuthing.

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Venduto da Delos Digital srl

Sherlock Holmes - A Question of Time

di Orlando Pearson | novelette

221B n. 19 - Delos Digital

A thought-provoking mixture of detection and morality

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prezzo: € 1,99
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Venduto da Delos Digital srl

Sherlock Holmes: A Seasonal Tale

di Orlando Pearson | novelette

221B n. 16 - Delos Digital

A Sherlock Holmes story with many contemporary resonances

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prezzo: € 1,99
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Sherlock Holmes e il barone di Wimbledon

di Orlando Pearson | racconto lungo

Sherlockiana n. 421 - Delos Digital

Gottfreid von Cramm chiede supporto a Sherlock Holmes per sfuggire alle grinfie del Partito nazista

Pagina 4 di 7 1234567 indietroavanti