Editore Twilight Creations

Ordina per: autoretitolodata di arrivoprezzo

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Jupiter Rescue

di Mark Major | da 2 a 7 giocatori | 30 minuti | lingua: inglese | Fantascienza | Cooperativo

Editore: Twilight Creations - Reparto: Giochi da Tavolo

You're a team of lowly maintenance robots built to keep the space station operational and clean so that the colonists can get on with...whatever it is they do. Unfortunately, the station has been...

prezzo: € 33,90 con Delos Card: € 32,21
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Venduto da Bazaar del Fantastico

Cthulhu!!! Hastur la vista, Baby!

di Johnatan Breitenstein | da 2 a 6 giocatori | 45 minuti | lingua: inglese | Horror | Movimento

Editore: Twilight Creations - Reparto: Giochi da Tavolo


The idyllic seaside town of Kingsport has always been a bit sleepy but tonight’s dreams may just become tomorrow’s nightmares. The stars are finally right, and the ruthless Cult...