Genere Narrativa / Mistero e Investigativo / Traditional British

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Sherlock Holmes and the Secret of Colonel Warburton’s Insanity

di Paul D. Gilbert | short story

221B n. 12 - Delos Digital

Investigation into a life of misery and misfortune for a distinguished soldier...

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Sherlock Magazine 52

di Luigi Pachì | rivista

Sherlock Magazine n. 52 - Associazione Delos Books

Il racconto vincitore dello Sherlock Magazine Award - Basil Rathbone - Disamina del canone - Sherlock BBC - Il Canone e dintorni - Plummer & Mason

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Sherlock Magazine 53

di Luigi Pachì | rivista

Sherlock Magazine n. 53 - Associazione Delos Books

Un racconto apocrifo - Basil Rathbone - Collezionismo holmesiano - Disamina del canone - Holmes nei fumetti dei supereroi - Osservatorio sherlockiano - Holmesiani famosi

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Sherlock Holmes - The Poet and his Muse

di Orlando Pearson | short story

221B n. 15 - Delos Digital

Holmes lets his emotionless façade slip by the Baker Street fireside...

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Sherlock Holmes: A Seasonal Tale

di Orlando Pearson | novelette

221B n. 16 - Delos Digital

A Sherlock Holmes story with many contemporary resonances

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Sherlock Holmes and the German Interpreter

di Orlando Pearson | novelette

221B n. 17 - Delos Digital

The British Government commissions Holmes and Watson to travel to Germany to help the authorities find the man who shot Horst Wessel, the leader of the Storm Troopers.

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Sherlock Holmes and the Trial of Joseph Carr

di Orlando Pearson | novelette

221B n. 18 - Delos Digital

A must for all lovers of serious sleuthing.

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The Baron of Wimbledon

di Orlando Pearson | novelette

221B n. 20 - Delos Digital

Gottfried von Cramm, a German tennis star of the 1930’s, petitions Holmes for help.

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Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Fourth Messenger

di Orlando Pearson | short story

221B n. 21 - Delos Digital

The world’s greatest unsolved mystery.

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The Dilemma of Mr Henry Baker

di Paul D. Gilbert | short story

221B n. 22 - Delos Digital

Can Sherlock Holmes come to Mr. Baker’s aid... once again?

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